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Dark eye circles

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern that can make a person look tired or unhealthy. There are several causes of dark circles, including:

Aging: As we age, the skin around the eyes can become thinner, making the blood vessels under the eyes more visible and creating the appearance of dark circles.

Allergies: Allergies can cause inflammation in the tissues around the eyes, leading to the appearance of dark circles.

Pigmentation: Pigmentation in the undereye area may lead to appearance of dark circles

Sunken undereye: Facial volume loss due to aging or rapid weight loss may lead to the undereye area looking sunken and dark from the shadowing effect

Treatment for dark circles under the eyes depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Here are some options:

Makeup: Using makeup to cover dark circles can be a temporary solution.

Lifestyle changes: Getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, reducing salt intake, and managing allergies can help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Skincare products: Using skincare products that contain ingredients such as vitamin C, retinol, or caffeine can help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Allergy treatment: Treat nasal allergies with antihistamines and nasal sprays

Cosmetic procedures: Cosmetic procedures such as laser treatments or fillers can help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

It’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and best treatment plan for dark circles under the eyes.

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